It is time to be heard.
In any climate, political conversations are always tricky. However, these days, political conversations can turn toxic fast. Spirited debates have given way to Twitter fights and petty name calling by all parties involved. It seems as though everyone has a VERY strong opinion of how things should be done and who should be doing that job.
THIS is not a political conversation but it does involve politics. You see, it doesn’t really matter to me who you voted for or who you rally behind. As American’s we have a right to be an individual but as builders, we have a duty to stand together.
Your SSHBA is your clearest path to having a voice in the political conversation. On local, State and National levels – decisions are being made that affect the profitability and maybe even the very existence of your business. This is not the time to stand by idly and watch conversations happen, treaties need to be negotiated, bills getting passed and laws/codes being enforced. Too often we feel as though our opinion doesn’t matter and I am telling you now that it does.
By all accounts, the housing economy is booming. According to the National Association of Realtors, listings are selling 8% faster than this time last year. There are a record low number of homes for sale and demand is growing. Yet, many of us aren’t racing to build new homes to the market and for good reason.
The cost to build a new home is escalating faster than the demand. These costs are sure to increase further with uncertainty in the steel tariffs and the renegotiating of NAFTA. Why does this matter? Because lumber prices are at an all-time high and Canada is our largest provider of lumber. This is a national issue that impacts all of us.
On the State and local level, our cash hungry politicians are reading positive housing headlines and you can bet that they are quickly finding ways to increase THEIR revenue by taxing your success and dumping more fees and regulations on our industry. Can you afford that?
Lobby day is April 17th and your SSHBA representatives will be traveling down to Springfield to meet with our state legislators. We desperately need to have our voice heard. If you would like for us to bring up a specific item, please contact Shannon as soon as possible.
On a different, but related note, you will be hearing more in the upcoming months about contributing to our PAC fund. As you know, increasing the PAC fund is a task that our former President Pat Franz is passionate about and we need to listen to him. He has dedicated a tremendous amount of his time and resources to reaching a lofty goal of $250,000 and I believe he can do it. I believe that we can do it. He lit the spark and now we need to feed the fire.
Understand that this organization exists for the sole purpose of enhancing the livelihood of each of its members. The dues that you pay and the donations you submit will ultimately benefit you both personally and professionally. The time you spend involved with the SSHBA is an investment in your business.
We will let you know about the progress we make on Lobby Day. Please join us on April 27th for the Kentucky Derby Raffle at Harrah’s Casino and find out just how great the SSHBA can be for you!